Stripe Instructions

Accept online payments with Stripe

You can accept online payments for your menu card. Go to the Store you want to edit > Click on the Edit tab > Click on the Ordering sub-tab > Scroll down to Stripe > and set Enable Stripe Payments to Yes

Stripe Instructions

  1. Go to Stripe Dashboard and log in to your account..

  2. Go to Stripe API Keys page.

  3. Make sure your API keys are set to Live Mode so that you can accept real payments.

  4. Copy the Publishable key and Secret key and paste them here accordingly.

  5. From the sidebar, under Developers click on Webhooks link.

  6. Click on the Add endpoint button.

  7. In the Endpoint URL field, add your website's URL in this format:[your-store-url-alias/?page=stripe_webhook

  8. In the Events to send field, select the checkout.session.completed and click the Add endpoint button.

  9. Copy the Signing secret key and paste it here accordingly.

Last updated